Olha Zadorozhna
Dr. Olha Zadorozhna
Olha Zadorozhna is an economist and holds a Ph.D. degree from Bocconi University, Italy. Her research interests lie at the intersection of political and financial economics. In her research work, Olha uses statistical and econometric methods and has extensive experience in the analysis of panel and Big Data. In her work, she uses mostly Stata as well as R and is fluent in SQL and Python. For several years now, she has been working on a project developing a new model of urbanization in Poland under the GOSPOSTRATEG grant together with IRMiR and the Ministry of Investments and Development of Poland. In this project, she and her co-authors developed a unique methodology for measuring the boundaries of urban and suburban areas using several measurements, including night lights emitted by cities and detected by satellites. At the same time, Olha is a coordinator and an expert of numerous research projects financed by the National Science Center, the National Center for Research and Development, the European Commission and the EU Framework Programs, including Horizon 2020. Currently, Olha is working on several projects exploring urbanization, polarization and populism and their impact on the society and economy. In addition, Olha studies the stock market and investor sentiment and has worked on several research projects on understanding investor decisions in banking and the impact of armed conflict and terrorism on the stock market. The results of these projects have been published in numerous international journals and monographs. She is the founder and creator of Policy Implications Podcast. Currently, Olha works as a researcher at IRMiR and is an assistant professor at the Economic Institute for Empirical Analysis at Kozminski University.
Latests publications:
- ???Clientelism and Land Market Outcomes in Ukraine???.Eastern European Economics, pp.1-19.
- ???Znaczenie metod statystycznych dla potrzeb delimitacji ??? spojrzenie ekonomisty??? (with Bogna Gawro??ska-Nowak and Piotr Lis). Chapter in?????Jak definiowa????granice miejskich obszar??w funkcjonalnych? Spo??eczne i ekonomiczne zyski i straty proces??w urbanizacji w Polsce???, eds. Bogna Gawro??ska-Nowak, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, Warszawa-Krak??w, 2021.
- ???Studium delimitacji za pomoc?? metod statystycznych??? (with Bogna Gawro??ska-Nowak and Piotr Lis). Chapter in?????Jak definiowa????granice miejskich obszar??w funkcjonalnych? Spo??eczne i ekonomiczne zyski i straty proces??w urbanizacji w Polsce???, eds. Bogna Gawro??ska-Nowak, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, Warszawa-Krak??w, 2021.
- ???Statystyczna analiza skutk??w sub- i dezurbanizacji w Polsce??? (with Bogna Gawro??ska-Nowak and Piotr Lis). Chapter in?????Jak definiowa????granice miejskich obszar??w funkcjonalnych? Spo??eczne i ekonomiczne zyski i straty proces??w urbanizacji w Polsce???, eds. Bogna Gawro??ska-Nowak, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, Warszawa-Krak??w, 2021.
- „The impact of terrorist attacks on stock returns of airline industry: the example of US airline companies” (with Svetlana Li). Chapter in „Investors??? Perceptions and Stock Market Outcomes. Interdisciplinary Approach„, eds. Olha Zadorozhna and Martin Dahl, Lazarski University Press, 2019.
- „The effect of dividend announcements on stock returns of banking sector: evidence from the polish stock market” (with Anastasiia Sorokina).??Chapter in „Investors??? Perceptions and Stock Market Outcomes. Interdisciplinary Approach„, eds. Olha Zadorozhna and Martin Dahl, Lazarski University Press, 2019.