Institute of Urban and Regional Develeopment (leader)
Institute of Urban and Regional Develeopment (Poland)
is the new official name since 1 March 2018??of the National Institute for Spatial Policy and Housing which was established by incorporating??Institute of Spatial Management and Housing into??Institute of Urban Development.
The Institute of Urban Development was founded in 2002 based on the decision of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction who decided to merge the Krakow branch of the Institute of Spatial and Municipal Management (founded in 1977) with the Institute of Housing Management (operating since 1950).
The strategic mission of the Institute is to serve the society by supporting state and local governments (both local and regional) not only in the process of efficient management of cities and functional areas but also broadly defined spatial, local and regional development.
This mission is realised through achieving the following objectives:
a) producing high-quality knowledge concerning a broad spectrum of phenomena and trends in cities and urban areas development, spatial design and, more broadly, regional and local development in a social, economic and spatial dimension.
b) formulating guidelines and recommendations aimed at bridging the gap in the development level and preventing social inequalities resulting in improving the quality of life and stimulating socio-economic development in Poland. These recommendations are of a scientific and expert character and are formulated to serve three target groups: scientists, experts and representatives of local and central government.
??? As far as scientific aspect is concerned, the recommendations describe and generalise various types of processes and phenomena as well as verify and adjust them to Polish conditions. Another function is to identify research areas requiring further in-depth studies and formulation of new theories and concepts.
??? On the other hand, the expert recommendations allow both local and central governments to make decisions and produce laws shaped by evidence based policy. They are also a source of feedback about the effects of activities and solutions concerning current urban, spatial and local/regional development policies.
c) promoting and integrating existing knowledge of the aforementioned aspects ??? not only generated in the Institute of Urban Development but also in other research centres in Poland and in the world.
d) integrating people who generate knowledge (scientists) and their environments with those who use it in practice (representatives of local and central governments, NGOs and others) which allow to:
??? identify research needs that are important to society,??
??? practical use of the conducted research results,
??? co-operation establishment between representatives of different communities in order to optimize their activities from the point of view of social needs.
Project???s team:
Bartosz Piziak??
Magdalena Bie????