Towards Urban-Rural Partnerships in Poland. Preconditions and Potential

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    Towards Urban-Rural Partnerships in Poland. Preconditions and Potential Cena: 39,00 z?? brutto
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    The book Towards Urban-Rural Partnerships in Poland. Preconditions and Potential was a part of tasks carried out by the Institute of Urban Development in Krak??w in the project URMA ??? Urban-Rural Partnerships in Metropolitan Areas, co-i?? nanced by European Union ??? European Regional Development Fund within INTERREG IVC program.
    Information on the URMA project is available at:


    Magdalena Dej, Karol Janas, Oskar Wolski
    Introduction?? . . . . . 7

    Marta Jacuniak-Suda, J??rg Knieling, Andreas Obersteg
    Urban-rural partnerships as a tool of territorial cohesion. A conceptual approach derived from INTERREG IV C URMA ???Urban-Rural Partnerships in Metropolitan Areas????? . . . . . 15

    Jerzy Ba??ski
    Social and economic success in metropolitan areas and the role of urban-rural cooperation?? . . . . . 33

    Tomasz Kaczmarek
    Collaboration between local governments in metropolitan areas ??? determinants, current situation and perspectives for the future?? . . . . . 41

    Katarzyna Kajdanek
    Urban-rural cooperation in the context of suburbanization processes in Poland?? . . . . . 57

    Krystyna Szafraniec
    Educational opportunities and the aspirations and choices of rural youth in Poland?? . . . . . 69

    Urszula Kaczmarek
    Decline of agriculture in large metropolitan areas in Poland?? . . . . . 83

    Maciej Huculak, Magdalena Dej, Wojciech Jarczewski
    Infrastructural and functional linkages between metropolitan area rural townships. The Krak??w Metropolitan Area case study?? . . . . . 103

    Marcin W??jcik
    Rural-urban collaboration in a large metropolitan area. The ????d?? Metropolitan Area case study?? . . . . . 123

    ISBN 978???83???65105???03???5

    Cena książki: 39,00 zł brutto