Polish Airports in Transition 2004-2013

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    Polish Airports in Transition 2004-2013 Cena: 39,00 z?? brutto
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    Zam??wienia b??d?? realizowane sukcesywnie w kolejno??ci nadsy??anych zg??osze??.

    Warto???? zam??wienia b??dzie powi??kszona o koszt przesy??ki wg cennika Poczty Polskiej.

    Szczeg????owe informacje mo??na uzyska??: pod numerem telefonu (012) 634-29-53 w. 15 od poniedzia??ku do pi??tku lub wysy??aj??c e-mail z zapytaniem na oficyna@irm.krakow.pl

    ??adne dane podane w formularzu nie s?? przetwarzane ani wykorzystywane w innych celach ni?? realizacja tego zam??wienia.


    Air transport – scientific fi ndings for spatial solutions……….7
    Chapter I
    Air transport in Europe against the background of global socio-economic??and system transformations……….11
    Chapter II
    Geographical aspects of air passenger transport in Europe……….25
    Chapter III
    Spatial concentration and hierarchy of airports in Europe……….43
    Chapter IV
    Spatial aspects of air cargo transport in Europe……….55
    Chapter V
    Methods for the delimitation of airport catchment areas……….81
    Chapter VI
    Airport accessibility and characteristics of the catchment area ??? the case of Poland……….97
    Chapter VII
    Air transport development in Poland after 1989……….119
    Chapter VIII
    Air transport development in national and regional strategic documents……….135
    Chapter IX
    Supporting the development of air transport infrastructure in Poland in 2007???2013??under the EU Cohesion Policy……….147

    ISBN 978-83-440-97-6

    Cena książki: 39,00 zł brutto