Moldavian model of urban regeneration based on the Polish revitalisation system


  1. Introduction ( Edyta Tomczyk) 5
  2. Geopolitical and internal situation of Moldova in the context of modern regional policy (Kamil Ca??us) 8
  3. Institutional cooperation as an effective tool for the implementation of development cooperation projects (Grzegorz Pragert) 16
  4. Transfer of experiences and good practices between Poland and Moldova (Aleksandra Jadach-Sepio??o) 26

4.1. Moldavian approach to the urban regeneration process ??? terminology transfer 26

4.2. Principles of creating the Municipal Revitalisation Programme and its content 30

4.3. Public participation in the revitalisation process 39

4.4. Implementation of the urban revitalisation programme 44

  1. Moldavian successes in the revitalisation (Edyta Tomczyk) 47

5.1. Framework of pilot revitalisation activities in Moldova 47

5.2. Soroca 51

5.3. Ungheni 54

5.4. Edine?? 58

5.5. B??l??i 49

5.6. Cimi??lia 61

5.7. Drochia 69

  1. Analysis of the institutional capacities of selected Moldavian municipalities for the effective implementation of the developed revitalisation model (Edyta Tomczyk) 72

6.1. Challenges in the field of city development ??? the revitalisation perspective 72

6.2. The cities??? institutional and human resources and the challenges related to the revitalisation process 78

6.3. Institutional and HR capacities of the National Urban Revitalisation Network 80

  1. Conclusions and recommendations (Edyta Tomczyk) 86

Bibliography 93


ISBN 978-83-65105-81-3

Cena książki: 0,00 zł brutto