Community-Led Urban Regeneration. Polish-Ukrainian experience and inspiration

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    Community-Led Urban Regeneration. Polish-Ukrainian experience and inspiration Cena: 39,00 z?? brutto
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    The book Community-Led Urban Regeneration. Polish-Ukrainian experience and inspiration was a part of tasks carried out by the Institute of Urban Development in Krak??w in the project The Regeneration of Pidzamche District in Lviv 2014-2015 ??? phase III (PPR371/2014), co-financed by the Polish development cooperation programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland:

    Karol Janas
    Introduction …………………………………………………….. 9

    Karol Janas, Wojciech Jarczewski, Maciej Huculak
    Pidzamche revitalization project ………………………17

    Andriy Bondarenko
    Sites of Memory at Pidzamche: the Past in the Symbolic Landscape of One of the Lviv Areas ………………………………49

    Natalia Mysak
    Identity formation of non-central districts of Lviv: the role of local community in designing of open public spaces…59

    Agata Bloswick
    CanBdone (aDaSie) change your city ……………………………………………..77

    Oksana Savchuk
    Rethinking Lviv: urban development strategy analysis in the terms of sustainability with an emphasis of green urbanism approach and urban agriculture in Sykhiv ………….87

    ISBN 978-83-65105-02-8

    Cena książki: 39,00 zł brutto